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The DNSPolicy Custom Resource Definition (CRD)


Field Type Required Description
spec DNSPolicySpec Yes The specification for DNSPolicy custom resource
status DNSPolicyStatus No The status for the custom resource


Field Type Required Description
targetRef Gateway API PolicyTargetReference Yes Reference to a Kubernetes resource that the policy attaches to
healthCheck HealthCheckSpec No HealthCheck spec
loadBalancing LoadBalancingSpec Yes(loadbalanced only) LoadBalancing Spec, required when routingStrategy is "loadbalanced"
routingStrategy String (immutable) Yes Immutable! Routing Strategy to use, one of "simple" or "loadbalanced"


Field Type Required Description
endpoint String Yes Endpoint is the path to append to the host to reach the expected health check
port Number Yes Port to connect to the host on
protocol String Yes Protocol to use when connecting to the host, valid values are "HTTP" or "HTTPS"
failureThreshold Number Yes FailureThreshold is a limit of consecutive failures that must occur for a host to be considered unhealthy


Field Type Required Description
weighted LoadBalancingWeighted Yes Weighted routing spec
geo LoadBalancingGeo Yes Geo routing spec


Field Type Required Description
defaultWeight Number Yes Default weight to apply to created records
custom []CustomWeight No Custom weights to manipulate records weights based on label selectors


Field Type Description
selector metav1.LabelSelector Label Selector to specify resources that should have this weight applied
weight Number Weight value to apply for matching resources


Field Type Required Description
defaultGeo String Yes Default geo to apply to records


Field Type Description
observedGeneration String Number of the last observed generation of the resource. Use it to check if the status info is up to date with latest resource spec.
conditions []Kubernetes meta/v1.Condition List of conditions that define that status of the resource.
healthCheck HealthCheckStatus HealthCheck status.
recordConditions [String][]Kubernetes meta/v1.Condition Status of individual DNSRecords owned by this policy.


Field Type Description
conditions []Kubernetes meta/v1.Condition List of conditions that define that status of the resource.