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New Major.Minor version

  1. Create a new minor release branch from the HEAD of main:
    git checkout -b release-0.2
  2. Run prepare release:
    make prepare-release IMG_TAG=release-0.2 VERSION=0.2.0-dev CHANNELS=alpha REPLACES_VERSION=0.1.0
  3. Verify local changes, commit and push:
    git add .
    git commit -m "prepare-release: release-0.2"
    git push upstream release-0.2
  4. Verify that the build image workflow is triggered and completes for the new branch

  5. Do any final testing and bug fixing against the release branch, see Verify OLM Deployment

  6. Run prepare release for final version

    make prepare-release VERSION=0.2.0 CHANNELS=stable REPLACES_VERSION=0.1.0

  7. Verify local changes, commit, push and tag:
    git add .
    git commit -m "prepare-release: v0.2.0"
    git tag v0.2.0
    git push upstream release-0.2
    git push upstream v0.2.0
  8. Verify that the build release tag workflow is triggered and completes for the new tag

  9. Verify the new version can be installed from the catalog image, see Verify OLM Deployment

  10. Release to the community operator index catalogs.

New Patch version

  1. Checkout minor release branch:
    git checkout release-0.2
  2. Run prepare release:
    make prepare-release VERSION=0.2.1 CHANNELS=stable REPLACES_VERSION=0.2.0
  3. Verify local changes, commit and push:
    git add .
    git commit -m "prepare-release: v0.2.1"
    git tag v0.2.1
    git push upstream release-0.2
    git push upstream v0.2.1
  4. Verify that the build release tag workflow is triggered and completes for the new tag

  5. Verify the new version can be installed from the catalog image, see Verify OLM Deployment

  6. Release to the community operator index catalogs.

Verify OLM Deployment

  1. Deploy the OLM catalog image:

    make local-setup install-olm deploy-catalog

  2. Wait for deployment:

    kubectl -n dns-operator-system wait --timeout=60s --for=condition=Available deployments --all
    deployment.apps/dns-operator-controller-manager condition met

  3. Check the logs:

    kubectl -n dns-operator-system logs -f deployment/dns-operator-controller-manager

  4. Check the version:

    $ kubectl -n dns-operator-system get deployment dns-operator-controller-manager --show-labels
    NAME                              READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE     LABELS
    dns-operator-controller-manager   1/1     1            1           5m42s,,,,,,

Community Operator Index Catalogs