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Using Apicurio Studio with Kuadrant OAS extensions

You can use OpenAPI extensions to define extra functionality beyond what is covered by the standard OpenAPI specification. Extensions typically start with the x- prefix, for example, x-codegen. Kuadrant OpenAPI extensions start with the x-kuadrant prefix, and allow you to configure Kuadrant policy information alongside your API.

Apicurio Studio is a UI tool for visualizing and editing OpenAPI designs and definitions, which can visualize security details and custom extensions specified in your OpenAPI definition.



Step 1 - Access your OpenAPI definition in Apicurio Studio

Open or import your OpenAPI definition in Apicurio Studio. On the Design tab, select the VENDOR-EXTENSiONS section to add an extension. Alternatively, you can use the Source tab to edit the API definition directly.

Step 2 - Add Kuadrant extensions to your API definition

The following configuration and extension points are supported by Apicurio Studio and the kuadrantctl CLI:

Generate an HTTP route

To generate an HTTPRoute for the API, add the following x-kuadrant block to your API definition in Apicurio Studio, replacing values to match your API details and the location of your Gateway:

        name: petstore
        namespace: petstore

            - ''
            -   name: prod-web
                namespace: kuadrant-multi-cluster-gateways
                kind: Gateway

For more details, see Generate Gateway API HTTPRoute object from OpenAPI 3.

Generate an AuthPolicy

To generate an AuthPolicy, add a securityScheme to the components block in your API definition. The following securityScheme requires that an API key header is set:

            type: apiKey
            name: api_key
            in: header

Although securityScheme is not an OpenAPI extension, it is used by kuadrantctl like the other extensions mentioned in this document.

When added, Apicurio Studio will display the following update in the SECURITY SCHEMES section:

Apicurio security requirements

For more details, see Generate Kuadrant AuthPolicy object from OpenAPI 3.

Generate a RateLimitPolicy

To generate a RateLimitPolicy for the API, add the following x-kuadrant block to a path in your API definition, replacing values to match your API details.

                    name: petstore
                    namespace: petstore
                    port: 8080
                        limit: 10
                        duration: 10
                        unit: second

When added, Apicurio Studio will display the following update in the VENDOR-EXTENSiONS section for that specific path:

Apicurio RateLimitPolicy Vendor Extension

For more details, see Generate Kuadrant RateLimitPolicy object from OpenAPI 3.

Additional resources