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OpenAPI 3.0.x Kuadrant extensions

This reference information shows examples of how to add Kuadrant extensions at the info, path, and operation level in an OpenAPI 3.0.x definition.

Info-level Kuadrant extension

You can add a Kuadrant extension at the info level of an OpenAPI definition. The following example shows an extension added for a petstore app:

  x-kuadrant: ## Info-level Kuadrant extension
    route:  ## HTTPRoute metadata
      name: "petstore"
      namespace: "petstore"
      labels:  ## map[string]string
        deployment: petstore
      hostnames:  ## []

      parentRefs:  ## []
        - name: apiGateway
          namespace: gateways

Path-level Kuadrant extension

You can add a Kuadrant extension at the path level of an OpenAPI definition. This configuration at the path level is the default when there is no operation-level configuration. The following example shows an extension added for a /cat path:

    x-kuadrant:  ## Path-level Kuadrant extension
      disable: true  ## Remove from the HTTPRoute. Optional. Default: false
      pathMatchType: Exact ## Specifies how to match against the path value. Valid values: [Exact;PathPrefix]. Optional. Default: Exact
      backendRefs:  ## Backend references to be included in the HTTPRoute. [] Optional.

        - name: petstore
          port: 80
          namespace: petstore
      rate_limit:  ## Rate limit configuration. Optional.
        rates:   ## Kuadrant API []
          - limit: 1
            duration: 10
            unit: second
        counters:   ## Kuadrant API []
          - auth.identity.username
        when:   ## Kuadrant API []
          - selector: metadata.filter_metadata.envoy\.filters\.http\.ext_authz.identity.userid
            operator: eq
            value: alice

Operation-level Kuadrant extension

You can add a Kuadrant extension at the operation level of an OpenAPI definition. This extension uses the same schema as the path-level Kuadrant extension. The following example shows an extension added for a get operation:

      x-kuadrant:  ## Operation-level Kuadrant extension
        disable: true  ## Remove from the HTTPRoute. Optional. Default: path level "disable" value.
        pathMatchType: Exact ## Specifies how to match against the path value. Valid values: [Exact;PathPrefix]. Optional. Default: Exact.
        backendRefs:  ## Backend references to be included in the HTTPRoute. Optional.

          - name: petstore
            port: 80
            namespace: petstore
        rate_limit:  ## Rate limit configuration. Optional.
          rates:   ## Kuadrant API
            - limit: 1
              duration: 10
              unit: second
          counters:   ## Kuadrant API
            - auth.identity.username
          when:   ## Kuadrant API
            - selector: metadata.filter_metadata.envoy\.filters\.http\.ext_authz.identity.userid
              operator: eq
              value: alice